Thai Art

Most Thai art use for Buddhist art . The character are from Buddhist or Hindu mythology of the paintings. The art was influence by Indian traders from the 1st centuries to the 7th centuries. This started the characters of Buddhist and Hindu. “Thai art sculpture and paintings and the royal courts provided patronage erecting temples and other religions shrines as act of merit or to commemorate importance events”.

This picture has a white elephant. White elephant symbolize royal power. the white elephant is related to god Indrs . A guardian deity a part of Buddhist. Another name for it is airavata. The painting was made around 18 or 19 century.

There at least give religions. Buddhist was adopted by Chinese or folk beliefs. It is responsible of most of temples that have a statue of Buddha. Islam is the second largest religion after Buddhist. It is believe more in other places than Thailand. Hindu population grew over the thousands of years, but is less than 10% of the national population. It also influence Buddhist.

Thailand was influence by all around of Asia. Thailand traditional clothing are called chut thai which means Thai outfit. Funerals in Thailand last for a week. Music from Thai are often use classic or folk tale. Muay Thai is mixture of kicking box and Thailand signature sport.

Thailand goes way back to the paleolithic period about 20,000 years ago. Around the ninth century khmer the king and his people conclude a kingdoms with areas near them. which soon to be Thailand. Thai people orginally came from wanchao came over to the mainland of south east Asia. Thailand still has kings over there.